About AWNA

Alberta’s community newspapers reflect the images, thoughts and everyday happenings of the communities they serve. While these communities may vary in size from tiny, isolated locations to bustling suburban centres, they share one important feature — a strong weekly newspaper.

The AWNA is a not-for-profit trade association.  Today there are 80 member newspapers throughout Alberta and the Northwest Territories. They boast a combined verified circulation  450,000+.

Our mission is to
  • Encourage community newspaper excellence,
  • Promote a greater awareness of its industry and members,
  • Market and promote Alberta’s community newspaper medium,
  • Provide educational opportunities for members and staff,
  • Be a communication and service link between members and advertisers, agencies and government.
Why this matters
Simple and genuine relationships between people matter. They are the fabric of a sustainable community. Weekly newspapers play a pivotal role in delivering information to the families in communities that maintain and strengthen that fabric by keeping people up-to-date on activities and concerns in their area. 
The basics

    • There are 85+ member newspapers throughout Alberta and the Northwest Territories. They boast a combined verified circulation of 450,000+.
    • We are part of a Canada-wide network of Community Newspapers through the News Media Canada, together with six other provincial associations. Together we represent nearly 700 newspapers.

    What guides us

    •  AWNA’s purpose is to encourage, assist and ensure our members publish high quality community newspapers. The Association achieves this by prioritizing education, marketing and fellowship.

    Where we have been
    • The association celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2020. Throughout the 1960s and 1970s it operated from the basement of publisher George Meyer. A central office was established in 1977. Dennis Merrell, Executive Director, has been with the association since 1982.
    •  AWNA’s mission is to encourage, assist and ensure our members publish high quality community newspapers. The Association achieves this by prioritizing education, marketing and fellowship.
    We continue to develop the quality of our core Advertising services
    •  AWNA is committed to providing advertisers with unsurpassed service and up-to-date information on each of the markets community newspapers serve. As a leader in the community newspaper industry, AWNA continues to develop technology that translates into increased sales and target audiences for each advertising client.
    • Readership surveys' results.
    • Resources on our website. 
    • AWNA Member Services group provides the association member newspapers with the opportunity to focus on the quality of their products through its Better Newspaper Competition (BNC) and workshops. 


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