Bill Draayer Award 1994
Given in recognition of outstanding personal contributions to the progress and development of the Alberta Weekly Newspapers Association.
Paul Rockley
Respect among peers is never granted, but always earned — and it is earned most often by those who do not consciously seek it. Paul Rockley's selfless effort on behalf of the Alberta Weekly Newspapers Association earned him that respect many years ago. And it keeps growing.
The list of Paul's AWNA involvement is lengthy since first joining the board in 1982 – Better Newspapers Competition Chairman, committee worker and judge, Junior Citizen host, Convention Chairman, post office liaison, President, CCNA Director, Education committee – the list goes on. In fact, you would be hard-pressed to find an AWNA activity that has not been influenced by his work at some time. Many have gained from Paul's dedication to community and publishing.
While this willingness to help others has touched many of us, it will be the success of his efforts to put the C.A. MacLean foundation on firm financial footings that will live longest. For years into the future students of journalism will benefit from bursaries sponsored by the foundation.
For this willingness and all the other wonderful things you have done for this great profession, we salute you. Thank you, Paul.